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Page 38 - The unravelling
twitter icon@Jerem_Morrow
2014-07-18 08:06:06

This was my first chance to fully break from the very structured panel architecture I'd devised to further sell the maybe late 1800s building housing the pawn shop.

Up to this point, we've only seen hints of the shift when we're in the creeping hell Jim's body seems to be becoming. Relying nearly solely on the setting to motion towards the meaty horror of the yarn. Now we're butting up against the penultimate moment of truth for Jim and Jenny.

I took this portion of the script and began to compress several pages into the one. Veering from the intentionally cramped and slow 1st and 2nd acts. Now, the internal and external horrors share the same plane of reality. The page itself is being torn away from the book. What began as a quiet gothic horror story, has taken on a much more 80s, Raimi-ish quick-cut tone. The drama and horror mounting to crescendo.

No matter the outcome ...it won't be long now.

shi: Come to think of it, it was a bit of a coincidence that I started colouring "out of the bounding box" as the comic progressed. Especially now, after reading the thought processes that finalised Jerem's illustrative decisions. On my part, it was mostly reactive. I saw that there were hints of a big reveal (there always is, right?) and I reacted to it in my own way. Of course, Jerem was there approving every step so I knew I was heading in the right direction!

In the spirit of all that gore, I'm going to leave you with 2 things.

First, in Jerem's own words, "It's a SPECIAL kind of horror. Just watch it. Soak all the discomfort in. Jebus fucking xhrist."

And second, a trailer of a sequel that was much better than the original movie. A not so common thing within the industry. Well, in my opinion anyways.