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Page 33 - Out of the panels
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2014-06-06 08:06:06

Probably one of my favourite pages to colour - Jerem did such a great job with the panels, it's almost poetic. Also, the moment when Michael Caine's cameo was realised. I had suspicions previously but it became official on this page (It's true!).

Reading the previous posts by the scriptwriters, I wondered how specific Mike and Greg were with the direction of this page. I bring this up only because the frames were more familiar to me as storyboards for moving pictures rather than the still medium of comics.

Although now I see it more as a really effective use of comic paneling more than anything else; the quiet despair of Jim at the fragility of his existence in the grand scheme of things. It's like realising you are not the main character of a movie so waiting for the inevitable becomes the focus of all lingering thoughts.

Combine this with the sudden surge of red punching its way through the triptych of Jim's portrait, quite literally. You can see why Jim is so utterly distressed.