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Page 13 - Churning colours
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2014-01-17 07:06:06

The pages were coming in faster than I could colour them in so I had to come up with a way to make the process faster without losing too much integrity in artistic style.

What I did was use a base colour for all the characters and their bits, points of interest, speech bubbles and the overall background image on different layers. This placed adding highlights, shadows and other effects on a different priority level that I can focus on after dealing with all the base colours.

Since I was working in batches of 3 to 5 at one go before getting another batch in less than a week, I had to work fast. Something else I did was make sure I spent no more than a set amount of time getting the base colours sorted so I had more time set aside to be creative on the pages. This was crucial for the way the story was evolving and how that needed to be reflected through the colours and atmosphere.

You could say I was working blind, with nary a hint of where the story was heading but I had the art direction of Jerem for the entirety of the project as my guide so I wasn't totally lost!